Today, I went into what is the real Tokyo, took a subway, and got to meet my host family in Japan for the first time. I started at my hotel in outside of Tokyo, and we took a bus over to the main Tokyo station.
There we ate lunch, and we all had to say goodbye to each other and head to our host families. It was definitely hard to say goodbye to Hunter, but we’ll keep in contact I’m sure. However, since I met my host family, it has been wonderful! My host family is great, and they are all super nice! I’ve only been with them since noon, and we have gone and done multiple things. First we headed to the house, which I have to say I like very much. After that, we headed to the local elementary school where I got to meet several people (which were also very nice) and play lots of kickball with the kids and adults. After that, we headed back to the house and soon after went to an extremely interesting festival that was taking place nearby. It was so cool! There were many people all dancing together in the middle to the sound of drums and other Japanese style music. There, I also got to try the food “Takoyaki” for the first time (Unfortunately didn’t have my camera on me for any of this). has been a great day so far, and I can say I already feel my Japanese language skills growing, as I have learned many new words already (Although my Japanese is still pretty poor haha).
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