Home » Montreal et Quebec City
by Erika Wilmes
2 min read
Posted August 26, 2014

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Sorry to wait two months to post about this trip, I’ve written lots of drafts just never got around to posting.

What an incredible trip! So much culture and history within French Canadian people and territory! It felt so European and so French the entire time we were there.
The people were all incredibly nice and patient with the French Club and our limited level of French proficiency. The cities were both spotless clean.
Montreal felt very New York City style-a big city feel (although Old Montreal was more of European style)

We went to some really cool places and did some awesome things.
One of my favorite memories was on the 2nd day we had time to roam around Old Montreal and shop/eat and my friend and I decided we want crepes at the last minute so we quickly ordered and scarfed down a crepe the size of my head and had to sprint to get to the group. **Side note– the streets are cobblestone and I almost fell on my face approximately 3 times.

Quebec City though— I fell in love! Such kind people, such beautiful architecture, and such good food!

My favorites here: Stopping to talk to an amazingly talented artist and even understanding some of her French! and eating lots of poutine: fries, gravy, and cheese curds. Yum!


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Montreal streets, crepes, and famous pulled pork, Olympic biodome, pretty churches, and city sidewalk public music

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Quebec City: amazing European streets, beautiful views, talented street vendors and fun times. 20140706-121753-44273194.jpg


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