Home » PENIS PARK!!!
by Eleanor Brow
1 min read
Posted April 5, 2014

So this weekend the gals and I decided to venture out to Samcheok, Korea.  It’s  a town located in the Gangwon province that sits along the ocean.  The thing that brought us out to Samcheok was the “Penis Park”. Yes, I said it, there is a park in Korea dedicated to phallic statues.  For a country that is very modest when it comes to sex and the dealings of men and women it was quite shocking, even in America this park would be shocking.  It was all in good fun though.  We had  a great time. The folklore about the park is actually quite nice so the park is not meant to be dirty.  Of course we were the only ones taking naughty pictures in true American fashion.  Korea has so many things to explore I am glad I was able to cross this one off my Korea bucket list.  Enjoy the tasteful pictures below.         CAM00557CAM00541


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