Home » Sunday Funday – First Meeting of the Brunch Club, 5/18/2014.
by Abby Marotta
6 min read
Posted May 18, 2014

It’s been a hot minute since I posted. I know, I know. I keep saying I’ll update more often. Every time I write a new post, I tell myself and each post that I’ll make time to write more; and not just about my life in Seoul, but my observations and opinions on certain issues going on in the city and my life here, as like an actual blog piece. But, I’ve been busy and lazy and busy and lazy that I just can’t seem to write. I have two posts saved as drafts that I’d like to quickly publish, but good luck with that. Here is my life in a blurb since my last update: Started actively (and so far, unsuccessfully) dating, got into grad school and starting this week (USC Trojans, FIGHT ON!), am planning to renew my contract for another year, continuing with Korean classes, meeting new friends, went to Busan (dammit, that should’ve been a blog on its own!), and learning how to save money so I can do the things I wanna do. Anyway, here’s the present. Today marks nine months since I’ve come to Korea to start this life I’ve been loving since the moment I got here. In no relation to this, a few friends, Sarah, Christina, Lauren, and I met in Ewha University area on the west side of Seoul for brunch. If you know anything about me is that I love brunch and I love my breakfast and brunch foods.  Anyway, back on track, the four of us jokingly decided to make a “Brunch Club”, in which we’d try one new brunch place in the city every weekend (maybe just Sundays?) The sad thing is that brunch here does not include mimosas, my one true brunch love. I’ll be blogging about Brunch Club after our next meeting! The restaurant we ate at is called “Egg and Spoon Race”, nearest to exit 3 of Ewha University. The food was amazing. There were a lot of goods to choose from. Both Lauren and Sarah got the Hot Toast (was that what it was called?), which was French toast, sausage, bacon, eggs, and salad) and Christina got a potato omelette. We were all satisfied with our meals. This place was really good. It’s small and quaint, with about eight tables, only two of them sitting two people at most, the rest sitting four. After our meal, Lauren left us for the day, so Sarah, Christina, and I ventured around Ewha University a little. The campus is nice and quaint. It definitely left us missing college and yearning for those days. I was mostly envious at how nice the campus was and how much better it looks compared to the UH Manoa of my time (haha that makes me sound so old!) It was nice seeing the campus because usually when I’m in the Edae area, it’s to shop at the street stores there. Which is exactly what we did after our short tour of the campus. I bought a new bag and cell phone case, both unnecessary purchases – both definitely wants and not needs. Then, on a whim, I mentioned to the girls how today is Taeyang’s (from Big Bang and also my future ex-boyfriend) birthday and how I wanted to go to the YG building (refer to the KPOP post I posted MONTHS ago) today just because it was his day. So off to YG we went because Sarah and Christina hadn’t seen the building yet. As expected, there was no commotion outside because YG is located on the outer part of Mapo-gu, like out of the way. There were a few fans there taking pictures, probably waiting for someone to come out. Like I mentioned in the KPOP blog, there’s a wall across the street from the actual building where fans write messages to the artists from YG. I was surprised to see, nine months later, the message I had written on my first stop over still there. I had written it in August and I assumed whoever owned the lot the wall was on just painted over all the messages. But no – my message was still there. AMAZING. Since I already professed my love to Big Bang, I left a note for 2NE1. After our KPOP excursion, we three headed over to Mecentapolis, a shopping center outside of Hapjeong Station exit 9, for some ice cream. Because it was HOT. SUPER HOT. Summer is coming. We found a place called Snow Spoon that served frozen yogurt, gourmet ice cream bars, and gelato – which we all decided on getting. Ugh it was so good. I recommend going there for ice cream. Anyway, the season’s quickly changed. The breezy spring is now making way for hot, humid summers I’m not sure I’m prepared for since the beach is MILES AND MILES away from me now (in Busan), and not the 20-minute drive I’m used to. I don’t have shave ice to cool me down, just patbingsu. I’m excited for the summer, even though I’ll be working throughout the entire season. I’m really working to going back home in August for two weeks because I wanna see my family before spending another year here. I can’t wait for it. 😀 That’s all the posting I have. Below, I have some pictures from today. On another note, I will try to write more, even as my schedule gets busier. You have not seen the last of me!

Lighting fixture with cutlery. Cutest thing every!

Lighting fixture with cutlery. Cutest thing every!

More cute decor in this place.

More cute decor in this place.

I love the decor.

I love the decor.

I just love it. UGH. Can I take those with me?

I just love it. UGH. Can I take those with me?

Sarah's cute shot of espresso and ghost spoon.

Sarah’s cute shot of espresso and ghost spoon.

My wack-a-doodle cup holding iced caramel caffe latte.

My wack-a-doodle cup holding iced caramel caffe latte.

Lauren and her strawberry iced tea. Christina got one too.

Lauren and her strawberry iced tea. Christina got one too.

The Waffle Dish - sausage, bacon, salad, eggs, and waffle pieces. So delicious.

The Waffle Dish – sausage, bacon, salad, eggs, and waffle pieces. So delicious.

Closer shot of the counter decor.

Closer shot of the counter decor.

More counter decor.

More counter decor.

I love typewriters. This was my favorite thing.

I love typewriters. This was my favorite thing.

Ewha University's version of Campus Center. The student union is inside those walls.

Ewha University’s version of Campus Center. The student union is inside those walls.

Sarah, looking collegiate.

Sarah, looking collegiate.

Me, being a goof.

Me, being a goof.

Always with the faces.

Always with the faces.

Campus lawn decorations. This was fun.

Campus lawn decorations. This was fun.

More Edae campus views.

More Edae campus views.

I should've done a study abroad program at Edae. Dammit.

I should’ve done a study abroad program at Edae. Dammit.

I wish I were back in school.

I wish I were back in school.

This campus was just too beautiful.

This campus was just too beautiful.

My message on the YG wall was there still. I was ten different colors of surprised.

My message on the YG wall was there still. I was ten different colors of surprised.

I wrote a new one for 2NE1. Because, you know, they deserve it.

I wrote a new one for 2NE1. Because, you know, they deserve it.

“My boyfriend is waiting for me in that car.”

Painted walls near the YG building. This was my favorite mural.

Painted walls near the YG building. This was my favorite mural.

Mecentapolis is my favorite place.

Mecentapolis is my favorite place.

Chocolate and cheesecake gelato. Hit the spot real good. :D

Chocolate and cheesecake gelato. Hit the spot real good. 😀

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