I “heart” markets in foreign countries. Love, love, love them.
So when we heard that Chiang Mai has a huge market on Sunday nights, I was all over that. They basically shut down the street and block it off from cars.
This was the regular part of the market, and we weren’t even at “the” flea market yet.
Now we are in “the” Sunday night market, inside the gates.
You’ve got your one-man band…
And your blind band…
Anyone want a gritter tattoo?
Sadly, there were blind people and mentally challenged people begging for money.
I bought this little guy, and the guy who was selling them was so cute. He put the animal in a bag with his head peeking out so he could see out. Cute or what?
This little dude played the ukulele and hoola-hooped.
Tentacles… yum!
There were many places to get a massage.
They love dogs in Thailand. Look! I could have gotten a little dress for Missy. But I chose not to.
Well, looky there…it’s Hitler McDonald.
It was SO crowded!
Learning how to make a hat…
Oh, how I wanted some elephant art. But it wouldn’t fit in my suitcase. 🙁
Black jelly
This little girl had a powerful voice…and was wearing a lot of make up for her age.
Guess I won’t be going here! Only the Dutch, British, and French are welcome.
Trying to get a tuk-tuk to go home. It took a lot of fanagling.
When we got back to the resort, we sat and chatted with the owner. She is a hoot at night because she is usually a tad drunk and regales us of interesting stories, including telling us about her girlfriend.
Bridget fixed us some hot chocolate, which had chocolate bits….the chocolate bits were very strange…like bits of chocolate cereal which got very soggy, and I couldn’t finish it. Yuck.
Looking at these photos really makes me miss Thailand.
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