So after having a conversation with my 10-year-old cousin and the countless conversations I have with my mom I figured my next blog needs to be on the differences with American schools and Korean schools. When I spoke with mom she told me that one of her co-workers asked her if I taught outdoors or not? I thought that was very funny and pretty strange. But I also recalled when I first arrived and I posted a picture on Facebook someone commented,” oh wow they have paved roads in Korea.” When I spoke with my cousin he just started asking all the question about Korea. I have traveled enough in my life to know that America is not the only country with paved roads and in door teaching. I will give you a quick breakdown of a Korean school.
1.) They have indoor facilities.
2.) My school has a computer room. It just depends on where in Korea you go. I know some schools where the students have tablets.
3.) Korean classrooms are similar to American class rooms they have desks and a chalkboard, projectors, or smart boards, or tv screens. (also depends on school).
4.) There is a cafeteria, my school is small so all the students eat together.
5.) They have a swing set, a basketball hoop, soccer goals, monkey bars, etc.
Now all of that is the same as an American school.
1.) There is a garden on the campus grounds.
2.) The student meals are prepared fresh daily, with things ranging from kimchi, codfish and egg broth, to spaghetti, and stir fried octopus. I haven’t eaten the same thing twice yet.
3.) The students are not allowed to wear outside shoes indoors. They wear inside slippers.
4.) The students and teachers have a less formal relationship than in the states.
5.) The structure in a Korean school is a bit different Principal, Vice Principal and Head Teacher. (we don’t have head teachers in USA)
6.) There are more electives to choose from. Golf, orchestra, english class, tennis.
Each education system has its pro’s and con’s. But the facilities of each system are pretty much the same. If America could get a more healthy lunch menu, challenge the students academically and have more electives for students, that would be a great system. If Korea would discipline there students and test based on lessons it would also be a great system. But no education is perfect. I am just glad I have a been able to witness 3 education systems so far in my life.
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