Dance Party on Wai Kru

Teacher P Fohn, me, and Anne at school
I have been in Thailand almost 3 months now. One month was spent in Chiang Mai, one week in Uthai Thani, one week in Bangkok, and over a month in Chainat. Boy has it been an exciting and emotional ride. My first week in Chiang Mai was rough and homesickness/culture shock hit me like a ton of bricks. After meeting everyone in my TESOL group and adjusting to my new routine things started to look up. When my month in Chiang Mai came to an end I was supposed to move to Uthai Thani to teach English to elementary school children. I was excited but slightly nervous about moving to a small town. When I finally arrived my nerves skyrocketed and I was not sure I could be happy in that small of a town. My amazing agent must have sensed my apprehension because a few days after arriving she told me about another job opportunity in a city about 45 minutes away teaching high school. The next day I was in her car going to see the city and high school. I knew right when I entered the town that this was where I needed to be. I accepted the teaching job the same day. A week later I had moved into my apartment in Chainat and began working. Chainat is still a small town but it has a gorgeous river that runs through the town and the people here are absolutely wonderful and full of smiles.
My 5 weeks in Chainat have been incredible. I was expecting to have really bad culture shock once I left Chiang Mai and so far that has not happened. Everyday brings new trials but also joy. I have the most compassionate and kindhearted Thai neighbor. She sends me sweet good morning messages, shows me new places around town, and introduces me to all of her friends. She takes me out to dinner several times a week and her mom is always cooking and feeding me the most delicious meals. She is also teaching me Thai and I am helping her with her English even though it is already amazing. She is one of the most generous and gracious women I have met.I have fallen in love with this little town and my simple life here. I know this is exactly where I am supposed to be. I can’t even remember the last time I had a bad day. I do not think I have ever been this happy and content with life. I feel extremely blessed to be here and to be sharing this wonderful journey with my friends here in Thailand and back home.

One of my sweet students Ice
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