Home » The Louvre Part 3
by Turquoise Jackson
2 min read
Posted May 4, 2014

Finally, part 3 of my adventure at The Louvre!

After visiting the grand portrait room, me and my guide Pascal headed towards the Mona Lisa. The Mona Lisa is one of the most famous paintings. People from all over the world come to get a glimpse of the mysterious woman Leonardo Da Vinci painted. I was able to take a few pictures, but I refused to throw myself front center to get a perfect picture. People were crowded together with security everywhere. Every time I turned my head I saw a beware pickpocket sign.

The room was crowed! On the left and right are “beware pickpocket” signs. Below is as close and as clear of a shot I could get.

The Mona Lisa wasn’t the only amazing picture in the room. Although the room was crowded with people, I was able to see some of the other paintings.

I took more pictures of paintings I loved. We walked a long corridor with paintings and then entered a room with beautiful sculptures.

There were too many amazing pictures to take pictures of them all! Below are a few pictures of sculptures and beautiful architecture.

And that was The Louvre. By the time me and Pascal left it was raining again, but I had an amazing time! When entering and exiting The Louvre there were guys selling miniature Eiffel Towers. They were also at the Eiffel Tower and other tourist places. Thinking back maybe I should have got one. They were only 1 euro.

In my next post look forward to reading about my time at the vineyard or my adventures in the streets of Bordeaux!

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