I had quite a European tour these past few days and finally reached Madrid, Spain to explore the area. These are a few of my favorite highlights during my stay so far.
1) Tapas and Food
The jamon is like butter. The huevos rotos explode with flavor. The patatas bravas make you shudder with delight. And the mussels…oh the mussels.
I can’t forget the paella I had yesterday for lunch…
2) The plazas
‘Round every corner is another plaza filled with people, cafes, fountains and flavor.
3) The architecture
Everywhere you look there’s something historic and beautiful to see.
4) The café culture
“We have some time to kill.” Silence as people think. “Let’s go get some coffee”. And we do.
5) Nightlife
I haven’t experienced it fully yet, but when everyone starts eating dinner at 10 pm you know you’re in for a sinfully long night.
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