Hi everyone! I am back after my little break from the internet world. It was so nice to just spend a few days focusing on my Grandma and really spending time with her, but now I am back to blogging world.
A lot has been happening here in sleepy Sweden actually. As of Monday the main train system on the West coast has gone on strike. That means no trains running at all, thus causing a catastrophic situation which effects more than 75,000 people – my host family included seeing as Mats and Bea use the train everyday to get to work.
This also effects my Grandma as we were going to use the train to get to Copenhagen so she could catch her flight! Now we will have to find another alternative way of transportation. The worst part is that this strike does not seem to be ending any time soon as both sides have yet to even begin to work to find a solution.
In happier news grandma and I just got back from the BEST dinner ever at MorsMors house. It was a traditional, homemade, Arabic dinner made by Angela, a friend of MorMors who just moved to Sweden from Afghanistan last year. We had vegetable and meat dumplings, topped with a lentil stew and drizzled in yogurt sauce. On the side we had sweet rice with almonds, raisins, and carrots. After stuffing our faces we sat, relaxed, and talked for an hour (probably because all of us were so full we could not get up).
Before dinner during the day Grandma and I went for a long walk, had lunch at a cafe, shopped in the market, toured my school, and helped Bea make some curtains. Busy, busy, busy!
Not much on the board for tomorrow, but then on Friday it is National Swedish Day! It is the equivalent to our Fourth of July in America and I am really looking forward to experiencing it.
Swedish Word of the Day : “jobbigg dag“- hard day here in paradise.
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