So why am I going to Thailand? Numero uno: my job is not for me. I feel like I’m bursting with creative potential that has been hibernating for years. It pops out and says ‘’what’s up’’ occasionally, but 9-5 jobs and real life are pretty soul-sucking as I’m sure you’ve all realized. As a result, I had a nice little conversation with myself during which I internally inquired, ‘’Lauren, what in this world would make you happy?’’ I came up with three answers to this question: taking pictures, traveling, and feeling like I’ve made a difference. The facts of my life are quite simple- I’m single. I don’t own a house. I don’t own a dog. I’m healthy. I’m not entirely poor. These qualities are quite serendipitous if you’re looking to flee the country for a year or so.
When I came across the opportunities that Greenheart Travel, a Chicago-based company that specializes in cultural immersion programs, could offer, I realized all of my boxes had been checked. I’d like to thank Mr. Adam Greenberg for sending me a Facebook friend request after mistaking me for someone else in 2005. Through him is how I first came to know about Greenheart. I discovered that with Greenheart’s help I would be able to live abroad and make money doing so by teaching English in a Thai school system. What a lot of people in my current commercial real estate industry don’t realize is that I used to work with autistic children. It was an extremely rewarding job that I truly enjoyed. Unfortunately, it was the kind of work that could not provide a reliable income for a single girl. Shortly after making my career switch, someone very wise told me I should work with kids again. ”Be independently brave” he said. Because of the timing my initial response was ‘’seriously!?’’ But, two years later here I am- on my way to being a teacher and being both independent AND brave. Now to be clear, if you compare to Western standards teaching in Thailand isn’t going to pay me well by any means. But for what I don’t earn monetarily, I will be well compensated for in culture and once-in-a-lifetime opportunities and experiences. That, to me, makes it all worth it.
Now that my life has taken this pretty exciting twist, I’ll soon have what I hope will be boatloads of material to write about. In creating this blog centered around my travels, I hope to be a resource for anyone interested in teaching abroad as well as a source of entertainment for anyone else that’s curious about my travels and/or photography. Even if ”anyone else” just happens to be my mom. (Love you, mom)
Stay tuned….
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