Author: Ella Russell

What’s the Capital of Thailand?

Posted November 20 by Ella Russell

Bangkok. It’s just an hour van ride from BPI (Bang Pa In just in case you forgot my acronym) so an easy weekend trip that…

Good Morning, Teacher Luke!

Posted November 6 by Ella Russell

One thing that I find hilarious is how every single student is trained to begin each lesson by standing up and saying (although usually not…

A Teaching Farang

Posted October 14 by Ella Russell

The highly anticipated English camp is now behind me. I have officially taught a class! Let me explain: My TESOL course is taught at a…

Ped mak maak?

Posted October 5 by Ella Russell

The past 9 days have been a blur. Since arriving at Hotel Noppakao (my home until 10/24) last Saturday I’ve seen and done so much and…