Author: Marjorie McVay

Navigating the Social Scene in Austria

Posted February 4 by Marjorie McVay

During my study abroad experience in Austria, I have learned several valuable lessons that I will be able to carry with me for the remainder…

A Few of My Favorite Austrian Foods

Posted January 23 by Marjorie McVay

There are so many aspects of Austria's culture and country that I will miss. . . one being the FOOD. I have thoroughly enjoyed being…

Ten Differences Between Austria and the USA

Posted November 18 by Marjorie McVay

Since I have arrived in Austria, I have been fascinated by the differences between my home in the United States and my new home. I…

Changing Motivations to Study Abroad

Posted November 18 by Marjorie McVay

"Why did you chose to study abroad?" This is a question I am presented with two to three times each day.

Goodbye, USA! Hello, Austria!

Posted September 6 by Marjorie McVay

Guten Tag! This is the extent of my knowledge of the German language, which is surprising considering I will begin my long journey to the…