Swedes Win the Prize for Best Cinnamon Rolls
I have come to the conclusion that Swedes have won the prize for best cinnamon buns, hands down.
I have come to the conclusion that Swedes have won the prize for best cinnamon buns, hands down.
Ballerina cookies are very popular in Sweden, but I still had not tried them. They are similar to Oreos in that they have the same…
Although now I am feeling the repercussions, I am so glad I went to the Insparkfest with all my classmates. It was fun to hang…
Since studying abroad in Sweden, I have tried so many dishes I never would have touched back in America and it has really opened my…
All in all, it was an amazing weekend filled with incredible views, tons of laughs, and many memories. If you are ever in Sweden, or…
It was nice seeing parts of Södertälje that I hadn’t seen before and I think we will take many more walks in my time here.
Since today was full of Swedish, I thought it would be a good time to cover the subject of a language barrier.
After a long, fun, and tiring weekend, I am finally settled into bed with some time to update you all on my adventures while studying…
My friends in Sweden think it’s crazy that I’m so excited about the leaves, but they don’t understand what it’s like to not have color…
To my fellow exchange student or hope-to-be exchange student, I absolutely, 100% recommend going on the trips. I have no doubt it will be one…