Swedish Phrases You’ll Hear Daily in Sweden
From the moment I arrived in Sweden to study abroad, I picked up on a few key phrases only Swedes use.
From the moment I arrived in Sweden to study abroad, I picked up on a few key phrases only Swedes use.
This morning, had planned to go to a big market that happens once a year, but the weather was so bad that we decided to…
I can honestly say that my first Swedish birthday is one I will never forget.
With a new month came new activities for me to try here in Sweden.
I feel as though it’s a good time to talk about some of the differences I have noticed so far while studying in Sweden.
I am so happy I was able break out of my comfort zone and experience something completely different, something I could never find in Florida.
I thought I would tell you what my days are like here in Sweden and some things I’ve already learned from going to a new…
Crawfish Round three? Normally, Swedes eat crawfish about once a year during August. Since arriving, I have already had this twice and this past weekend…
I’m excited to really begin working in class because I feel like we will get to learn about interesting topics about Sweden where we can…
Onsdag (Wednesday) morning I woke with butterflies in my stomach. I was finally getting to live my dream and be a student in a Swedish…