Teaching in Japan: How participating with Greenheart can save you in the long run!

Home » Teaching in Japan: How participating with Greenheart can save you in the long run!
Teaching in Japan: How participating with Greenheart can save you in the long run!
Home » Teaching in Japan: How participating with Greenheart can save you in the long run!
3 min read
Posted October 26, 2023


When you sign up for a program like Teach Abroad Japan with a company like Greenheart, we help with a lot more of the details and organizing that you realize. For some, going about organizing everything themselves is something they want to experience. They want to find a teaching placement, search for their own accommodation, and sort out insurance on their own. But for many, figuring out how to set up these necessary elements on their own can be quite intimidating. Think of apartment hunting in your hometown, now think about it in another country where you don’t know the neighborhoods and sometimes, not even the language!

Participating in a program with Greenheart gets you assistance with all those worrisome items on your checklist as well as some you didn’t even think of. We’ve compiled a small list of a few perks of signing up with Greenheart. Take a look at what participants can get when they teach abroad in a public school in Japan.

Here are some elements of Teaching Abroad in Japan that you won’t get with any other company.

  1. A Free Car

Yes, you can read that again. As long as you have a license, you can apply for a driving permit in Japan, and we will supply the car for you!

  1. Co-Workers

You will have a co-teacher in the classroom with you while you’re teaching English! If you’re worried that finding people to connect with while in another country will be difficult, you won’t be alone! The schools will pair you with a co-teacher to help with classroom management, translations and teaching instruction, making things a lot easier and less stressful.

  1. Orientation in Nagoya!

Greenheart provides all its participants with an orientation weekend before your program starts! You’ll have a guide to show you the ropes and get a great introduction to living in another country!

  1. Free Japanese Classes

Even if you’re feeling secure in your language abilities isn’t it better to have a refresh? We offer our participants 4 in person language classes that are completely set around your schedule. Along with in-person practice, we also provide you with course materials as well as online course options.


  1. Accommodation Setup

Greenheart gives assistance to their participants to set up accommodation for the duration of their teaching placement. You’ll have a choice of a studio/single occupancy apartment or a private room in a larger shared house with shared facilities which you will need to pay for. The hassle of apartment shopping will be taken off your shoulders just like that!


So, if you’re still deciding if Teaching Abroad in Japan through Greenheart is worth it, just think, Free Car!

Greenheart also gives participants the option to teach in a private school (the application process is a bit quicker) with different advantages than those placed in public schools. No matter where you choose to be placed, we know that you will have an incredible experience, immersing yourself in another culture and making memories that will last a lifetime!

If you’d like to learn more about our different placements or discover more about our Teach Abroad Japan program, head to the Program Page!

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