Itching for the challenge of doing something completely different

Home » Itching for the challenge of doing something completely different
Itching for the challenge of doing something completely different
Home » Itching for the challenge of doing something completely different
3 min read
Posted January 6, 2023

How many times do you think, “Blah. My routine is just blah.”

If it’s more often than you’d like, consider doing what Lauren did. She challenged herself to do something completely different and headed to Thailand to teach kindergarteners!  Here’s her story: 


My name is Lauren, I am 22 years old and from Houston, Texas. I decided to move to Thailand by the end of 2022.

I graduated from Texas State University with my bachelor’s degree in business management and a focus in entrepreneurial studies because I had the desire to start a business once a graduated. I had experience with running my own nail tech business throughout college and it went hand-and-hand with my post-grad plans. However, once I graduated and got into the groove of real life, my passion and light for my dream business started to fade. I started to feel very stagnate and everyday became a constant routine. I noticed myself getting really burnt out with everyday tasks and that’s when I first started researching traveling and teaching abroad.


I looked up reviews and videos on YouTube of other people sharing their experience of what it was like living in a completely different country. I became really consumed in watching teachers abroad and getting to know more about their experiences and how different each culture is. I never met anyone I knew personally to do something like this so I knew I would have to do my research and go through an agency to assist me with the process. While doing research I found Thailand and Costa Rica were my top places that I would be interested to teach English and Greenheart Travel happened to offer both. Being that I had already traveled to Costa Rica before, I figured I should go somewhere completely new and halfway across the world (lol)! I was itching for the challenge and became really infatuated with the culture and pictures of all the geographics that the country had to offer.

Now that I have finally made it here, I can say that I’ve truly loved every moment.  I teach Kindergarten in Bangkok and absolutely find so much fulfillment in brightening up my student’s day. I find myself being in such a better space than I was at home and I learn something new every day. My whole experience through Greenheart Travel and XploreAsia exceeded my expectations, and I am truly grateful for that!


Thank you Lauren for taking the leap with Greenheart Travel!  

If you are ready to travel for a change, check out all the Teach Abroad and Work Abroad programs that Greenheart Travel offers. The world awaits!

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