
Perfect Day for a Picnic

Perfect Day for a Picnic

Today it reached a whopping 27C! The hottest it has been since my arrival to Sweden in dreary January. After a seemingly never ending Spring, Summer is finally here.

I woke up bright and early at 6 am (thank you to the family of birds that live right outside my window who feel the need to be my personal alarm clock) and instead of being lazy and laying in bed, I decided to start my day off right with a lovely morning walk. I followed my usual route which goes along an old railroad path and ends down at the beach. It was so gorgeous out this morning I simply could not stop smiling. The sun shinning on my bare arms, the air smelling of salt water, it was pure heaven.


When I got back home at around 7 I took a shower then made myself this super amazing breakfast which I will call “Carrot Cake Oatmeal”. I was craving carrot cake oddly enough, so I decided to experiment a little and came up with this. SO GOOD! I defiantly know what I will be having for breakfast tomorrow 🙂


I may or may not have already taken a bite out of this before I remembered to snap a picture for you guys. Whoops!

I decided to have my breakfast outside in our backyard this morning which was wonderful. Once done with breakfast Bea and I went for another long walk. Thank god my foot is finally feeling better or I may just have gone crazy if I could not enjoy this beautiful day.

After walk number two I raced off to the train station to head to Goteborg. I shopped for a long time and by 2:00 I was feeling tired and in desperate need of some food, so I went to my favorite little restaurant Paprika! Here you can make your own salad, wraps, and Panini’s. The best part is it is relatively cheap (for Swedish standards at least). I took my lunch to go and enjoyed it outside while waiting for my train home.

Quinoa, corn, cucumber, peppers, cottage cheese, shrimp, tuna, beans, and pineapple all on a bed of lettuce.

Quinoa, corn, cucumber, peppers, cottage cheese, shrimp, tuna, beans, and pineapple all on a bed of lettuce.

Once I got home, I headed off to the gym for a quick X-fit class, then it was off to have a picnic dinner! Mei Mei had soccer practice which ended at 6 and Olivia had a game at the same place at 6:30, so Bea and I decided to bike on over, bring a little cooler with some food, and go watch them play. It was a great evening. For the food the girls had chicken legs, while Bea and I had tuna sandwiches. We also munch on some chopped veggies. Yum!

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And of course who could forget dessert….some fresh strawberries!

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I did not think it was possible for me to fall anymore in love with Sweden, but wow with this nice weather I truly feel as though there is no better place on earth.

In sad news, today makes the one month countdown till my last day here 🙁 – gotta make the most of them!


Swedish Word of the Day: “le” – smile =D



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