
Make Your Travel Goals Happen in 2015

Make Your Travel Goals Happen in 2015

January offers us the clean slate of possibilities for the new year, but our resolutions for 2015 don’t have to be another list we discard by mid-February. If you are passionate about your dreams for traveling abroad, don’t let life overrun your enthusiasm.

Here are a few tips to help make this year your most adventurous yet!

1. Outline Your Goals

What experience(s) are you really serious about having in the months ahead?Create a concise list of what you are ready to commit to in the next 12 months, and put it where you can see it on a regular basis. Being able to articulate your intentions is the first step to understanding how you can achieve your goals.

2. Understand What Experiences You are After 

It’s one thing to write “I Will Travel to Thailand in March,” but it’s another to have a sense of why you want to embark on this adventure. Having a positive physical and emotional attachment to this goal will help make it easier to stick to your plan when you are debating on buying a new sweater versus saving for a flight. How do you want this experience to effect you? Being able to summon the feeling of helping a student have an “aha” moment, or visualizing a sense of awe at exploring a new place will get you through the tough times.

3. Get some support

Surround yourself with people that are cheerleaders for your success. Let your friends and family know that you might not be going out as because you’re saving up for traveling. Talk with people that have had similar experiences, avoid the naysayers, join one of our Greenheart Travel Facebook groups. When people are aware of your goals, they can help you stay accountable.

This is your year to make your travel goals happen, and we’re here to cheer you on along the way!

What are your tips for sticking with a travel plan? Comment below!

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