How to Ace Your Video Interview to Teach English Abroad with Greenheart Travel

Home » How to Ace Your Video Interview to Teach English Abroad with Greenheart Travel
How to Ace Your Video Interview to Teach English Abroad with Greenheart Travel
Home » How to Ace Your Video Interview to Teach English Abroad with Greenheart Travel

If you’re applying to teach English abroad in any of our destination countries, you will very likely be required to interview via webcam with a program manager at Greenheart Travel.

If you are applying to teach in Korea or Colombia, you will also have an interview with a representative in your respective country – and all of these basic ideas apply to that interview as well.

Here are some tips and recommendations for how to succeed and make a good first impression:

1. Do your research!

Make sure you know the basics about the program you are specifically applying for. Why are you applying for a position in Thailand? Why the English Program in Korea (EPIK) and not a private school (or vice versa)? What makes this program more appealing to you than the others?

Be prepared to let us know what will make you a great teacher abroad! We understand most people don’t have formal teaching experience, but have you taken any training like a quality TEFL course to help you feel confident in the classroom and be able to make an impact on your students?

First day of teaching at the English Camp in Thailand.

2. Learn about the food, culture, and language of the country you will be potentially living in.

Do you like arepas? Can you read Hangul? Have you ever been to a wat? Do you know what any of those things are? If not, you might want to learn some cultural basics about your destination.

3. Remember this is a job interview.

Teaching English abroad is not a vacation, nor is it a privilege. It’s not a guarantee that if you’re qualified you will be chosen. Show enthusiasm for the actual job and act like you want it!

4. Make a good first impression.

Just because you’re on a webcam, it doesn’t mean you can show up in your pajamas. We don’t expect you to show up in a suit, but look presentable. Make sure there aren’t any inappropriate things hanging on the walls in the background of your video. Also, please be sure you are somewhere quiet enough that we’ll be able to hear you. Starbucks might seem like a good place for an interview, but in most cases it’s way too loud.

5. Be prepared to reiterate what you’ve listed on your application.

Even if you’ve already sent your resume and listed your past experiences on the application – we want to hear about it from you personally.

6. Don’t be nervous.

Most people get really nervous for interviews, so we understand if you are nervous. But, take a deep breath. We promise we’ll be nice!


  1. What are some of the parameters around safety? How safe or unsafe are the areas where we will be assigned. As a single female traveling essentially alone; any pointers on how to be safe?

    My family and friends are worry about safety teaching abroad in Columbia.

    1. Yes, the program has been discontinued for the time being. We are hopeful it might return in the future, but are not offering it at the moment.

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