Announcing the WINNER of our 2017 Greenheart Travel Give Back Award

Home » Announcing the WINNER of our 2017 Greenheart Travel Give Back Award
Announcing the WINNER of our 2017 Greenheart Travel Give Back Award
Home » Announcing the WINNER of our 2017 Greenheart Travel Give Back Award
by Samuel Tew
1 min read
Posted April 22, 2017

The votes are in and our Greenheart Travel community has shared their top choice for the recipient of our 2017 Greenheart Travel Give Back Award. We are thrilled to announce the winning project and charitable donation recipient of the Give Back Award is…

the Puerto Rico Forestry Project!

With the help of the Give Back Award donation, this important volunteer project in Puerto Rico will be able to boost their efforts in providing educational funding for students to learn more about sustainable forestry practices and their important connection with the environment.

It was a very close poll, with all three of our international volunteer projects deserving of the award and project donation. Thank you to everyone that voted and continue the support by learning how you can make a positive impact around the globe as a Greenheart Travel volunteer!

1 Comment

  1. I did agriculture at school and I have some different experience and knowledge about nature conservation, I hope I will add a lot from my experience if I’m to be given a chance to join the team

    With regard
    F Jacobs

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