Today marks 100 more days in Spain, and my emotions are everywhere!
High School - Spain
My Spanish host family lives outside of the town of Granja in the country, but it is only about a 2 minute drive. The house…
In Spain everything is made homemade. I experienced this first hand when my family bought a pig, had it butchered, cleaned, and packaged right at…
My host family lives in the town of Granja. This is a small town located in the southeastern part of Spain. This town is so…
Thursday was my last day in Madrid and I took a bus to meet my family. They are all so nice and understanding with my…
We're thrilled to introduce our featured high school abroad student, Jacob Pence! Read a little bit about Jacob and his reasons for studying in Spain!
“¿Cómo se dice…” I’m Finally Here?!
Finally! After weeks and weeks of preparation I’m finally in Spain!!! I can’t believe it. Every morning I wake up and think to myself, “This…