Monday was the first day of school for me and Khem for our study abroad program in Germany. I was very excited, there were butterflies in my stomach. The only classes I had were Tutorium, for an hour, English for an hour, and Biology, for two hours, and the day ended at 11:30. Me and Khem got a little lost on the way home, but we eventually found our way. We tried to get into an intensive language course but they don’t start until November so Birgit is going to get us into a different school. We went to the Burger Buro (citizen’s office) to get our bus tickets for the year.
Tuesday I got lost on the way to school. I have to take the bus, but its not like a normal school bus that goes directly to the school with a few stops in-between. This is a giant bus system like those in Washington D.C. or Chicago, but WAY more complicated. I have to get on one of the buses but I have to switch to a different one later. So I took two buses and I ended up at a school. I looked around but couldn’t find anything I remembered so I asked someone where I was. I WAS AT THE WRONG SCHOOL!
I got back on the bus and went to the central station Hauptbahnhof. I looked on the board and it said that 38 went to my school. So I waited… and waited… but 38 never showed up. I tried to text Svea but there was something wrong with my phone and I couldn’t do anything. I started asking people if they knew where my school was and how to get there. No one did. Finally, I had a mental break down and started crying really badly. This college aged guy looked it up on his phone and found the closest bus station. He directed me where to go and told me where to get off. He was so nice.
Then when I got to school, an hour late by the way, I went to the classroom that was on my schedule. Apparently, though, the classroom had been changed. I looked really stupid, my eyes were still a little puffy, and I was super late; I am sure I looked really stupid for my first religion class. Plus, my teacher doesn’t know English so I couldn’t really explain why I was late, but a classmate helped me out and told my story. I was very homesick after that. Plus, since I didn’t know the way to school, what makes you think I could find my way home.
I took one of the buses all the way to the end on accident and had to take a different bus just to get back into town. Then I found a place I had passed a few times on my way through town. I walked the way everyone was walking and I came by the Burger Buro. I knew kind of where I was and I knew a bus stop nearby, but I didn’t trust the buses at this point. I walked and walked until I came to the bottom of a hill. I thought, “I live on a hill!” So I started walking up. I got to the top of the hill and sure enough one turn to the left and there my house was. I was an hour and a half late, but I had made it home!
Wednesday, Birgit took me to school (because I told her the day before about taking the wrong buses and getting to school and home late). I finally made friends!!!!! (Party music and loud cheering in background) Friends I made (class/es we have together): Abuelina (English), Lara (Religion, Music, History), Sophie (English, History), Milina (Biology), and Paula (English, History). Svea and I watched the second Hunger Games movie in German. All in all it was a GREAT, AWESOMELY FANTASTIC, SUPER day!!!!!!!
But then Thursday I took the wrong bus AGAIN! (but still on time.) and had school lunch for the first time. I played a game on Abuelina’s friend’s phone. (I dominated… even though it was in German.) Me and Abuelina like/know/watch the same shows. (Lab Rats) *It is so nice to have someone I can totally fan-girl with while I am here* Svea and I had a long philosophical discussion about the future and life in general. Then, Bodo, Birgit, Svea, and I went to see Monseiur Clyde und siene tochter. It was a very funny movie.
Friday I finally got the buses right on the way to school! Plus I had a three hour break between classes so Abuelina and I went around Wiesbaden to see everything there was to see. We stopped at bookstores (to buy “To Kill a Mockingbird” and “The Death of a Salesman”), clothing shops, and we saw some local sites. We ate at McDonald’s (which is much better here, but more expensive) and also got some chocolate for 40 cents at a local grocery store. We also saw the biggest cuckoo clock in the world (which is, long story short, actually not the biggest but they trademarked the name so they get to call it the biggest.) My music class got changed to Thursday during my free period so I can’t do choir. My music teacher told me they might move choir to Friday anyway… so maybe I can. This also means I get out at 12:30 on Fridays. I also figured out Netflix doesn’t work here.
On Saturday, Khem and Herbert came and picked me up to go to the Kinderfest. I made Svea, Khem, and I matching rubber band bracelets. They are black, yellow, and orange (cause there was no red) for the German flag. Then me and Khem went shopping for school supplies, gym shoes (for Khem), and shampoo. Then we met up with Bodo at the Internationalist’s festival and tried foods from all over the world. I had some fried potato thing from Korea and a cupcake from Britain. Then we went for Italian ice cream. I had a chocolate milkshake, and let me tell you the Italian’s own the milkshake in my eyes. It was sooooooo good. I found out that the reason my phone wasn’t working was because I gave out the wrong number. Then Khem, Svea, and I watched Pitch Perfect. Plus we danced and sang to all the songs. SUPER FUN!!!! After Khem left me and Svea had another one of our hour and a half philosophical talks right before heading to bed.
Sunday the seven of us had breakfast together: Svea, Bodo, Birgit, Khem, Bobo (Per’s friend), Per, and I. Then Khem, Bodo, Birgit, and I went to the palace because you could get in for free today. There was an antique car show outside the palace. We went to the Markt Kirche (market church) and the theatre. It was such an exciting day and I was really tired when we came home for tea and cakes (which is a normal thing we do on Sundays). Svea, Khem, and I watched “Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” in German (which is still funny even if you don’t know what they are saying).
This week has been very eventful. I can’t believe I have only been here for 9 days. I feel so at home here. I have a great older sister (It’s weird not being the oldest) who I can talk to and laugh with. We have so much fun! And I have an older brother who teases, makes fun of, and annoys me. He plays tons of video games and the few times I see him we end up making sarcastic remarks at each other. I feel so excepted here, like I have known and loved my host family like my real brother and sister my whole life. Don’t get me wrong I love and miss my family SO MUCH. But I understand that I have to let them go for a while and I will see them again.
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