Why is English Education Important to Thai Students?
We talked about this during our of orientation. English Education is important to students because it offers them opportunities as they grow up. It not only helps them with communication skills, but also helps prepare them for the global market. It’s evident that English Education is important and taken seriously in Thailand because students begin learning the skills early on in their primary years of schooling.
What do Thai People Think of Americans?
From my experience, Thai people were accepting and appreciative of Americans. This topic also came up during our week of orientation, and we talked about the important role we play in the economics of the country. Tourism plays a huge role. Anywhere I went everyone greeted me with a smile. The Thai people I met seemed to think Americans were nice people!

We have 48 Hours in Your Placement Town: Show us Around!
I was super lucky and was placed with my entire orientation group at an international school. We got to stay together for our entire time in Thailand and explore together, which was awesome! Denla is located in Nonthaburi which is on the outskirts of Bangkok. There are things to see and do around the school, but we also got out and explored further away as well. We found it pretty easy to get to places, but we needed taxis just to cross the street due to traffic!
During the work week, I would eat breakfast at my apartment on campus, lunch provided by the school, and dinner out. There were TON of options. My favorite was a little noodle stand just down the street for 40 bhat. There was also a market within walking distance, a few restaurants across the street, or take-out. We were close to the Central Plaza, the mall, and could also find food and fun there too any night of the week!

On the weekends, it was fun to go into Bangkok or, my favorite, Kohkret. In Bangkok there is so much to see and do. From Soi Cowboy to sky bars to Khoa San Road, we could always find a good spot to eat, live music, and a great time! Kohkret is an island and a little more low key. It’s fun to bike around and see all the crafts for sale. Chit Beer is a must stop while there! A few fun markets to visit would be the Airport Market, Owl Market, and Chatuchak Weekend Market. There’s just so much to do and see!

All of these places are pretty close to where my I was placed. Of course we got out to places that were further away but that would be more than just a 48 hour trip. Coworkers offered so many tips on places to visit and sights to see so my list was always growing! I definitely didn’t need to plan huge trips all the time because there was plenty to do right there in and around my placement town!
Katie Gentile, from Pennsylvania, is a Greenheart Travel First Time Traveler Scholarship recipient. Learn more about Greenheart Travel’s scholarship opportunities to help you travel for a change!
if anyone is reading this i just want to add to my post above, that i am a retired ESL teacher after 47 years of teaching English as a second language literally all over the world and would love to retire in peace in Thailand especially for the food and the affordability – so that’s really all i have to say
I’m not a man that likes big cities,,,,I enjoy the country side,,,,would Thailand be a nice place to visit
I would love to go to Bangkok
But can’t speak thai and at 61 too old to learn. How good would I get along with English only?