My Divine Thai Life While Teaching English

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My Divine Thai Life While Teaching English
Home » My Divine Thai Life While Teaching English
by Melissa Hlavacka
6 min read
Posted August 20, 2018

Introduction to My Journey at Four Weeks Abroad

Well, I am sick. I am completely and utterly un-well but resting in my apartment and doing my best to heal as quickly as possible. No matter what though, I am on the most amazing journey I have ever decided to take. I am so happy I made this decision. I have felt immense pain and joy both physically and mentally while here in Thailand and the only way for me to describe how I feel is…perfectly balanced. I have become more patient and compassionate with life’s processes in the hands of others and created my reactions with care and integrity. I have let go of my control. I have let go of making plans. I have let go of trying to be the administrator of my life. I have been in Thailand for about four weeks now and I feel like I am one with Thai culture, weather, colleagues, and lifestyle. I am proud of myself for taking this leap of faith into the unknown. I am excited about what will happen next and yet, I am living in the moment of each day. Time has slowed, and life has begun to reveal the most splendid of adventures. Making new friends, eating new foods, smelling new scents, and loving every second teaching new students is the pure brilliance of this experience.

The Most Thrilling Part

This opportunity has thrilled me in so many ways, but the people are the most amazing! First, I was given a host family! I was not given a host family through a company nor by requesting for one. I was given a host family because I met the most amazing teacher at Ratchaborikanukroh High School who is now my dearest life-long friend. She and her husband welcomed me into their home and she looked out for me like a mother; like a sister. They invited me to spend the night at their home in Ratchaburi, go out to eat, go to temples (which make me cry every time), go to the ceramic factory, go shopping, explore, travel to their condo in Bangkok, go on a dinner cruise, and spend quality time together doing many adventurous things. The most amazing conversations about dreams, life, travel, family, and how much the ability of perseverance can strengthen the human condition has changed my life through my dearest and most cherished sister in Thailand. I will weep when I leave her behind and head home to America.

My Special Mother-Sister-Friend P Parinun.

In addition to my beautiful host family, I have been granted three fairy godmothers who took me in as their daughter and to lunch with the Assistant Director of the School. I was also given another wonderful and dear friend who took me to Khu Bua Cave, Ban Khu Bua Museum, showed me around town, and took me to a famous ASEAN food market just because she wanted to thank me for teaching her students. In addition, and never to forget my dearest and most cherished brother who I met where I live at the Verasuda Condotel. He has shown me around Ratchaburi, took me to Thai style buffet, given me rides to work on his Motocai, and has been ever so wonderful in conversation and presence. Also, my dear friend who invited me to her home with her husband and son to cook dinner for us farang kruu (foreign teachers)! I also went to her shop at Wat Kho Temple where she sells the most amazing natural cleansing bathing products. Her and I are going to develop online learning for English students who want to study with both Thai and foreign teachers when I return to America. I couldn’t be more blessed than to have met all these wonderful people in Thailand. I love them, and I am going to miss them the most when I return to the states. The country is the people and my heart will not be complete until I see them again. I am forever in debt to their kindness.

My Brother Dolf

Do I Have a Story to Tell?

I most certainly do! Here is the condensed version! I was on my way with my dearest sister-friend to eat lunch at a restaurant in the back of school when I finally noticed my bag was opened and my wallet was either lost or stolen. It had approximately $121 American dollars and I was saddened by the loss. I searched for about 40 minutes after the event but could not find it. I remained tough when all the Thai and American teachers showed their sympathy for me. When I went to the bathroom to change my clothes for the Khu Bua Cave adventure where my dear teacher-friend was taking me after school, I cried. I cried like I hadn’t before. I think the event triggered fear, homesickness, exhaustion, and disappointment all at once. I couldn’t believe I could either be so careless or someone could be so cruel as to steal from me. The oddity of how it happened was mind-blowing. If I lost it I was totally oblivious and didn’t hear or see it fall to the ground and if someone stole it, they were a talented thief.

As I tried to replay in my mind how it happened, I realized that driving myself crazy was not going to be a positive solution. I realized I had to let it go. I realized that to be free from what happened, I had to accept the loss. I realized I had to take what I learned from Thai teachings and apply it. So, I did. I moved on and had the most incredible experience at Khu Bua Cave with my dear friend. Five hours later, I went with my host mother-sister-friend to visit her monk-father who was not feeling well these days. By chance, he was home, and we were able to see him, pray with him, and speak with him for an hour or two. His presence was over whelming as he is 103 years old and filled with wisdom. He gave me and my host mother-sister-friend an amulet only his family receives. I was completely fulfilled and forever changed by him and his family’s generosity. The monetary loss over replenished with a priceless gift. The solitary feeling, I had was of being ultimately blessed. Only the divine can explain the balance of this day.

Monk Thongpoon

Advice for Others Thinking About Teaching English in Thailand

Everyone’s experience is unique, and you never know what you might see, do, find, and become. Don’t think twice, just, GO!



Kristen Andersen, from California, is a Greenheart Travel First Time Traveler Scholarship recipientLearn more about Greenheart Travel’s scholarship opportunities to help you travel for a change!



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