Japan TEFL Certification Program in Tokyo

Japan TEFL Certification Program in Tokyo

Spend 4 weeks getting TEFL certified in the world-class cultural hub of Tokyo. Stay in Japan to teach English with job placement assistance throughout Japan.

  • Overview

    Questions or concerns about the coronavirus? Please read our blog about it here!

    Experience Japan in the best way possible in the bustling city of Tokyo while you get TEFL certified. After graduation, whether you want to stay in Japan to teach or go to another country, you’ll receive lifetime job placement worldwide!

    • Intensive 4-week in-person TEFL certification course in Tokyo, Japan
      • 120-hours of coursework
      • Includes at least 8 hours of teaching practicum
      • On-site teaching practicum at multiple levels (kindergarten – university)
      • Taught by highly qualified instructors
    • Assistance finding paid work in Japan following your successful course completion*
    • One month of comprehensive medical travel insurance
    • Pre-departure and in-country support

    *Please note that the program is open to anyone who is interested in learning more about the TEFL world or simply, gain more experience and knowledge about teaching in general. Eligibility requirements for the TEFL course are different than the requirements needed to teach English in Japan. Please reach out to travelapplications@greenheart.org for more information on eligibility requirements for teaching in Japan.

  • Course Dates

    For those planning to work in Japan after the course, you will start the job search process during your course with assistance from the staff in Japan.

    Start Date-End Date

    July Cohort:
    July 1st – July 26th

    August Cohort:
    August 12th – August 30th*

    September Cohort:
    September 2nd – September 27th

    October Cohort:
    October 7th – November 1st

    November Cohort:
    November 4th – November 29th

    January Cohort:
    January 6th – January 31st

    February Cohort:
    February 3rd – February 28th

    March Cohort:
    March 3rd – March 28th

    April Cohort:
    March 31st – April 25th

    May Cohort:
    May 5th – May 30th

    June Cohort:
    June 2nd – June 27th

    July Cohort:
    June 30th – July 25th

    August Cohort: (Intensive Course)
    August 11th – August 29th

    September Cohort:
    September 1st – September 26th

    October Cohort:
    October 6th – October 31st

    November Cohort:
    November 3rd – November 28th

    *The August 12th course will be a more intensive course and will be more condensed than the other courses. Don’t worry though! You still receive the same certificate. You will just complete the course in a shorter time than the others. A typical day for the August 12th course starts at 7:00am and ends at 3:30pm.

  • Eligibility

    This program is open to anyone who is interested in learning more about the TEFL world or simply, gain more experience and knowledge about teaching in general. Eligibility requirements for the TEFL course are different than the requirements needed to teach English in Japan. Please note that many countries have age, degree, and language requirements for their teaching positions and work permits. Greenheart Travel is happy to talk with anyone planning to take a TEFL course about realistic teaching opportunities abroad.

    • Fluent in English*
    • High school diploma
    • At least 18 years of age
    • Must be open minded, flexible, and adaptable
    • Knowledge of and access to Google Drive or Microsoft Word
    • Have a laptop to complete coursework (tablets not acceptable)

    *Native English speakers with a high school diploma are academically eligible to join the course. Non-native speakers are also eligible but must submit a written essay and engage in an interview to assess their level of English proficiency.

    All students must also show a serious commitment to learning and a willingness to plan and teach in groups and to work reflectively. In order to make sure you gain all of the tools and practice you need to teach English; the course is intensive and involves long days in the classroom, plus homework on nights and weekends.

  • Costs & Inclusions

    Course Price: $2,390 USD

    A $600 USD payment is required to register and reserve your spot on the course; the remaining tuition balance is due 60 days before your course and will be paid directly to the school.

    What’s Included:

    • 4 weeks of intensive TEFL training in Tokyo
    • 1 month of international medical and accident insurance
    • Job, visa and housing assistance

    Additional Expenses You’ll Need to Cover (Estimates):

    • Airfare to Japan ($800-$1000)
    • Accommodation during the course (~$550/month)
    • Visa fee or any costs associated with obtaining documents required for the visa ($200-$250)
    • Meals and daily transportation in Japan ($20-$25/day)
    • A laptop:  Teachers are responsible for bringing a laptop computer to Japan with them for lesson planning
    • Startup cash to hold you over until your first paycheck ($2000-$2500)
  • Accommodation

    Accommodation is not included in your tuition; however, you will receive assistance in setting up a place to stay prior to your arrival. The school owns a house with private rooms in east Tokyo that teachers stay in each month – there are limited rooms, so they are rented on a first-come, first-serve basis.

    The shared house will be equipped with high-speed Wi-Fi, air conditioning and heating. There is not a cleaning service, so teachers are expected to keep the house in order. You will have access to shared living areas where you can study, read and hang out, as well as a kitchen. Laundry may be available at your accommodation; but if not, there are inexpensive laundromats nearby.

    If this house is full, the staff have other housing recommendations, or you are free to find your own monthly rental. The school is less than a 10-minute walk from the Kanamachi train station, so you can either find something in the neighborhood or near a train station.

  • Your Day-to-Day

    Throughout the 4 weeks, teachers should expect to be at school for the majority of the day, Monday – Friday, and to complete homework assignments every night. Hours at the school are typically 8:00am – 3:00pm. You will usually do your student teaching during school hours, unless you arrange to do them outside of normal class hours.

    Here is a typical daily schedule:

    6:30 AM Wake up
    6:30 – 7:00 Get ready, eat breakfast
    7:00 – 7:30 Make sure you are prepared for today’s class
    730 – 8:00 Commute to school
    8:00 – 12:00 Morning session, with breaks
    12:00 – 1:00 Lunch
    1:00 – 3:00 Afternoon session
    3:00 – 4:00 Commute home, take a break
    4:00 – 5:30 Start homework and lesson plans
    5:30 – 8:30 Eat dinner, hang out with friends
    8:30 – 10:00 Finish homework, prepare for tomorrow’s class

    Although this course should not be taken lightly, as long as you go to class and get your homework done each night, you will do great! It is rare for students to fail this course, but you should be prepared for an intensive four weeks of classes, teaching practice and homework.

  • Accreditation

    Accreditation ensures that your certification course meets quality standards in the level of instruction, the quality of the curriculum, inclusion of a practicum, extent of training and other areas. It ensures that the course’s quality and ethical standards are maintained, and to recognize professional acceptance and recognition in the international job market.

    This course is internationally accredited by the BOAA (Board of Academic Advisors) and meets international TESOL/TEFL course standards.

    International Standards

    Most schools, language institutes and Ministries of Education recognize TESOL/TEFL certifications that meet certain basic standards that are also recommended by leading bodies in the field, including the British Council. These standards reflect those incorporated into a standard, accredited intensive four-week TESOL/TEFL class and include:

    • At least 100 hours of coursework and training
    • At least 6-20 hours of live practice teaching and observation involving actual ESL students (not peers – no role-playing)
    • External validation and accreditation by a recognized, independent body within the field
  • Why Greenheart Travel?

    Greenheart Travel has been working in Japan for many years, and there are advantages of applying for this program through us:

    • 33 years of experience with cultural exchange programs
    • Friendly, responsive, and professional support from your program manager.
    • Connect with alumni and others on the program via our Greenheart Travel only Facebook forums, before you even leave!
    • Greenheart Atlas Program. The Greenheart Travel Atlas is a cultural training interactive guidebook alongside five videos where you will find three main topics covered: Personal/Professional Development, Cultural Understanding, & Environmental Awareness.
    • Hands-on support and personal attention every step of the way
    • 24/7 emergency phone number to reach a staff member at any time
    • Pre-departure “Culture Shock and Adjustment” Webinar before you leave
    • Discounts for future Greenheart Travel programs
    • We are a non-profit, mission-based organization
    • Continued support throughout your contract

    We also have some unique offerings to our Greenheart Travel teachers and alumni!

    Greenheart Grants

    Greenheart Grants are funds awarded to Greenheart Travel participants to use for community development projects in their host or home country. A Greenheart Grant is the opportunity to create, improve, or maintain an impactful, community-focused project abroad or at home. Grant funds could be applied to supporting women’s cooperatives, schools, community centers, or health clinics, for example. Grant winners will be featured on our website, social media, and blog. You can see our past winners on our blog here.

    Greenheart Alumni Program

    We created the Greenheart Travel Alumni Program to provide resources and a community to support alumni in their advancement as global leaders, and a way to celebrate and reward our participants for being ambitious, inspiring catalysts of cultural exchange!

    Greenheart Global Leaders Conference

    Each August Greenheart offers full ride scholarships to over 40 alumni to attend our annual conference in Washington, DC. Participants even get a chance to advocate for cultural exchange in a presentation to the US Department of State. You can see more about what GGLC is and what you could do at the conference here.

  • Application Process

    1. Start Your Application HereYou will be sent more information as well as the link to our application portal to begin your formal application.

    2. Submit Basic Program Information: The first step in our application portal will be basic things like your chosen start date, etc.

    3. Submit your $600 Payment: A payment is required in order to apply for the program and is subtracted from your total program fee. After you submit your payment, we will start to arrange your arrival details!

    4. Schedule your Video Interview! Once you have submitted your online application and paid your application fee, you will be asked to schedule a video interview with a Greenheart Travel representative.

    5. You’re Accepted! Woohoo! We are usually able to accept people within 1-2 weeks of their interviews.

    6. Submit your Placement Documents: We’ll need a short video and a new resume in our defined format after you’re accepted, and we’ll send you the instructions on completing them after you’re accepted.

    6. Balance: Your remaining tuition balance will be due 60 days prior to your course start date.

  • Schedule a Call

    scheduleHave questions or want to speak to a staff member? Set up an information phone call here.