Author: Sarah Gourevitch

Best day ever at the Elephant Nature Park

Posted February 16 by Sarah Gourevitch

This was by far my BEST day in Thailand.  Bridget and I wanted to visit an elephant park when we were in Thailand, but 99%…

FUN field trip!!

Posted January 10 by Sarah Gourevitch

They may call it sledding here in Korea, but back home we would call it tubing.

Christmas in Korea!

Posted January 3 by Sarah Gourevitch

Since I have the largest apartment out of all my friends, I got to host Christmas at my place.  Now if you know anything about…

Christmas Show at School

Posted January 3 by Sarah Gourevitch

On Christmas Eve, my school had a Christmas program.  It started off with a middle school boys handbell choir.  Boy, this game me BIG warm…

Visiting the Dog Shelter, Again!

Posted December 29 by Sarah Gourevitch

My friend, Bridget, asked if I wanted to meet her in Daegu to go to the dog shelter. Of course, I said yes. I just…

Laundry in Korea

Posted December 29 by Sarah Gourevitch

Doing laundry in Korea is well....interesting. It's VERY different than back home in the States.

Movie and Octopus Dinner

Posted December 18 by Sarah Gourevitch

After the movies, we went to dinner. This place was not MY choice. It was an octopus dinner.

Holiday Fun in South Korea

Posted December 14 by Sarah Gourevitch

My Christmas tree is all decorated, and I am all ready for Christmas to be hosted at my place.

Costco = the closest thing to home in Korea

Posted December 10 by Sarah Gourevitch

Julie and I went for a Costco run last week.  Costco is absolutely marvelous. Of course we had dinner there because it IS the…

Dog Walk in Daegu

Posted December 7 by Sarah Gourevitch

My friend, Bridget, found out that I was going to be in Deagu for the weekend and asked if I wanted to join her on…