I must admit, a single tear may or may not have silently slid down my cheek as I wrote this. Just how corny is it…
Asheville High School
Here's what you need to know before arriving in Paris to make your language camp in France successful and life-changing!
Living abroad and being an exchange student pushes a lot of limits and overcoming the hard times is what made this experience so valuable. Here's…

Life as a Student in Paris: Everything I Dreamed of Yet Nothing I Could’ve Anticipated
Life as a student in Paris is everything I had dreamed of yet nothing I could've anticipated. The ability to experience the culture of France…
To reflect back on these past nine months studying abroad in Spain, here are a few of my favorite memories, special moments, and amazing people…

Student Spotlight on Angelique Ayoade; Greenheart’s Newest Travel Correspondent in France
Read on to meet 17-year-old, Angelique Ayoade, our Greenheart Travel Global Explorer Scholarship winner from Asheville, North Carolina, who’ll be traveling to our Teen Summer…

Meet 7 Students Embarking on Life-Changing Travels to Volunteer, Learn a Language and Study Abroad
We are thrilled to announce the winners of our 2017 Greenheart Travel Correspondent and Global Explorer Scholarship awards.
Here are a fews tips to succeed in the classroom when studying abroad in Spain.
Semana Santa, Easter, is one of the most celebrated weeks here in Spain. It’s a very religious week for most people to mourn the death…
¡Hola saludos! My name is Jackson and I will be talking about the classroom culture of Spain and what it is like for your first…