If you are in Costa Rica, Thailand, South Korea, Vietnam, or Myanmar with Greenheart Travel in 2022 you’re eligible to win your trip! That’s right,…
Teach Abroad - Myanmar (Burma)
Teaching abroad can be one of the best decisions you can make, and you learn so much important stuff about yourself and about the world.…
I am writing to you from a very empty apartment in Yangon, Myanmar, and I am a couple of days away from starting my new…
No matter where you decide to move or travel abroad, there will be people who find your decision crazy or dangerous. Here are some ways…

Teaching in Myanmar as a Woman; Observations, Insights and How to Handle Nay-Sayers
Ultimately, don't let anyone stand in the way of your dreams for traveling and teaching abroad, whether it is in Myanmar or beyond. Do your…
Although I have yet to arrive in Tacheleik, the town where I will be teaching for at least the next three months, this feels like…
These are just a few of the places you can travel to around Myanmar; they each hold something special and are entirely different from one…

What to Eat in Myanmar if You’re Vegetarian, Pescatarian or Not a Fan of Spicy Foods
Below are many options of Burmese foods you can try if you have dietary restrictions like me! Though these strong flavors can take some time…
From the weird smells to the bustling streets, all the little quirks that make up this city are starting to feel like home. Here are…