If you’re applying to teach English abroad in any Greenheart Travel destination country, you'll likely need to do a webcam interview. Here are some tips…
Teach Abroad - Thailand
No matter where you decide to move or travel abroad, there will be people who find your decision crazy or dangerous. Here are some ways…
We asked our current teachers in Thailand to complete this sentence: “You would love living in ___[your placement city]___ because…” to get a good idea of just how unique…
On our Teach in Thailand program, your school will provide you with an apartment when you arrive at your placement location, or help you house hunt…
I knew that I would be surprised and challenged at school and by trying new things, but living and teaching English here has brought many…

Why Paying Attention to Your Internal Emotional Journey is an Important Part of Your Travel Experience
We often approach big trips and adventures like this prepared for the logistical things, but forget that internally, there will be much to prepare for…

Expectations vs. Reality of Teaching in Thailand and Tips for Adjusting to Life in the Land of Smiles
Here are a few expectations I had about life as as an English teacher in Thailand, and what the reality has been since I have…

Key Takeaways and Tips for Balancing Work and Play During a TEFL Course in Thailand
These are just a few tips and pieces of advice to make your TESOL course, initial classroom experiences and first weeks in Thailand as stress-free…
The volunteers at the Stray Dog Rescue project work Monday through Friday, so we have weekends off to travel, explore and indulge in the Thai…
This article will hopefully provide you with the tools (more specifically a sledgehammer) to help you break through that glass ceiling, and to keep progressing…