This acronym shows up over and over when researching how to teach abroad, and it can be a process to figure out if it's really needed,…
TEFL - Costa Rica

You’re TEFL Certified – Now What?! Six Steps to Help You Get Started on Finding Your First Teaching Job
October 17 by
Over the last few weeks of your TEFL course, you’ve caught yourself daydreaming more and more about where you could teach English abroad, but first,…
Nicole Mekker, who is taking our TEFL course in Costa Rica before heading to teach English in South Korea this fall, shares some of her photos!…
Palmares, may not be topping the lists of places to visit in Costa Rica, but do not let its ‘sleepy coffee town’ reputation deceive you.…
My experience here has been the one of the most formative experiences of my life, and I wouldn't trade it for the world.
If the opportunity to get paid to teach and travel abroad isn't motivating enough, check out five more reasons from our Greenheart Travel Costa Rica…