By: Samantha DiVito, Teach Abroad South Korea EPIK Alumni Whether you’re already excitedly packing your suitcases or just beginning your application journey for a new…
By: Naomi, High School Abroad Argentina Alumni, 2024 FTT Winner Hi! I’m Naomi and I spent six months in Argentina for my student exchange. Before…
A note from Greenheart Travel: Amelia is a high school student who studied abroad during the 2020-2021 school year. Hi, my name is Amelia and…

One Alumni’s Analysis of Educational Differences Between Finland and the United States
A note from Greenheart Travel: Eva Levin is a high school student from Maine who studied in Finland during the Spring 2021 semester. By Eva…
A note from Greenheart Travel: Eva Levin is a high school student from Maine who studied in Finland during the Spring 2021 semester. Eight Things…
You’ve heard us say it a thousand times: cultural exchange is lifechanging. We say it a lot because it’s true. Whether your cultural exchange program…
Congratulations, you’re a Greenheart Travel alumni! Your adventure doesn’t stop here! We can’t wait for you to continue your journey with Greenheart Travel. Now…

Going Back to Exeter for University: Interview with High School England Alum Emily Demski
Like our High School Abroad France alum Zoe Lien, High School Abroad England alum Emily Demski studied as an exchange student in England when she…
High School Abroad France alum Zoe studied with Greenheart for a semester in Spring 2020. She’s now planning to go to university in France. We…
UK native and Greenheart Travel alum Tabby traveled to Japan on our teen language camp in Fukuoka in Summer 2018 and again in Summer 2019.…