For those who want to make money while traveling, teaching English abroad is very appealing. In most cases, you don’t need to have professional teaching…
Teach Abroad Programs
You often hear about how studying abroad in college changed someone’s life, or how it was their favorite experience during their four years. Sometimes it…
Teaching abroad can be one of the best decisions you can make, and you learn so much important stuff about yourself and about the world.…
At the beginning of my senior year I joined all of my fellow students and friends in the “here comes the real world scramble”. Looking…

Expectations vs Realities of Thailand: How it Feels to Come Home After Living Abroad
Looking back at some of my writing from last February, I see a lot of “want” and “wish” for the future of my Thailand adventure.…
So you want to embark on the adventure of a lifetime, but need to find a way to pay for your travels? Look no further…
Whether you need to be back home by the fall or you’re graduating this winter and are looking for an opportunity to live abroad, Greenheart…
No matter where you decide to move or travel abroad, there will be people who find your decision crazy or dangerous. Here are some ways…
From dining in a chef's home to throwing a Frisbee, here are our favorite tools to meeting friends abroad.
Meet Kara Menini, Greenheart Travel's Teach, TEFL and Work Programs Manager, and learn a bit more about Kara's favorite international city, a special travel "aha"…