We hear from Greenheart Travelers all the time about how their adventure changed their lives. This is one of those stories with an added “Wow”…
Teach in a Homestay - France
Two travel options to help you plan an affordable and relaxing 90 days in Europe.
Learning a language is more than studying from a text book: it’s about immersing yourself in that language and experiencing true cultural exchange, and there…
Greetings! I’m Emmie, a Greenheart First-Time Traveler 2019 Scholarship Winner. I chose to spend one month of my summer in France at a Homestay teaching…
Greetings! I’m Emmie, a Greenheart First-Time Traveler 2019 Scholarship Winner. I chose to spend one month of my summer in France at a Homestay teaching…
Before setting off for my homestay in France, I was rushing with excitement. After intensely studying French for the past year, I was thrilled at…

Differences Between French and American Culture from a First Time Traveler’s Perspective
It’s a beautiful summer evening in the small city of Tarbes, France, where I’ve been living with my host family for the past two weeks.…
Today, I embarked on the next level of my teaching English as a Second Language journey by attending orientation for new, adjunct faculty at a…
“You sound white.” “You act white.” “You dress like a white person.” Growing up, these were the words that I heard from many of my…
So you dream of a life teaching English in Europe. You imagine sitting at a sidewalk cafe in Paris after teaching a class, or walking…